Reconstructive surgery involves repair, reconstruction and regeneration of lost or deficient tissues anywhere in the body. Tissues may be lost or deficient by birth itself such as cleft lip, cleft palate, other cranio facial anomalies, loss of ear or any other body part. Reconstruction of such defects involves tissue replacement using one’s own body tissues or prosthetic materials.
In the modern world, the number of industrial accidents and road traffic accidents grows in an exponential way. Proper realignment and repair of injured tissues and reconstruction of lost tissues by identical tissues are done by an experienced reconstructive surgeon.
Pain, deformity and loss of function can occur after major trauma. The existing function of limbs can be improved by reconstructive surgery. Although, it may not restore normalcy, an improvement in function is always helpful to enhance the quality of life.
Infections can cause tissue loss and produce ulcers. Reconstructive surgery and Regenerative surgery principles are often used to heal these ulcers. The common ulcers which requires management by a reconstructive surgeon are