Campaigns & Workshops


PROF. Al Aly

Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
Past President: Aesthetic Surgery Education & Research Foundation
Past Editor-in-Chief: Plastic Surgery Education Network

Prof. Dr. Fabio Nahas

Professor of Master and Doctoral Thesis of the Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP.
Affiliated Professor of the Paulista School of Medicine – UNIFESP
Adjunct Professor of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
vice-president of ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Surgery)

Asia pacific Masterclass on Modern Rhinoplasty

Prof.G. Balakhrishnan Organising Chairman.

It gives me immense pleasure to invite you once again to Chennai to participate in yet another academic programme organized by Right Hospitals.
This time, We are planning to cover Rhinoplasty in a complete and comprehensive way,so that the course Would be useful to everyone interested in the subject, starting from post graduates to practicing plastic surgeons.
We are bringing in a diverse cluster of faculty who are not only experienced and expertise surgeons, butr also have a passion for teaching and sharing their experience and knowledge.
We sincerely hope that this medical conference would definitely help to improve your knowledge and help you serve your patients better.
We are making all our make this operative workshop a successful and academically useful one. We strive hard to make your stay comfortable and your time spent in Chennai worth the money spent.
Right hospitals Welcome you to International conference Which not only updates your Knowledge in the area of Rhinoplasty but also makes you to become expertise
Looking forward to hosting you in Chennai


Prof. Nirmala Subramaniam

Initiated the Oculoplastic Surgical service at sankara Nethralaya Chennai in 1982 & Continues to be part of it as professor Emerltus.She is the planeer in Ushering in Oculoplastic, Surgery in the Changing Landscape of Eye and Periorbital Reconstructive Surgerles

Mr. Raghavan Sampath [United Kingdom]

Consultant aphihalmic plastic surgeon and an honorary senior lecturer of the University Hospitals of Leicester Has completed two full fellowships devoted entirely to corrective eyelid/ peri-ocular plastic surgery

Asia Pacific Course on Aesthetic Surgery

Live Operative Workshop @ Right Hospitals (20, 21, August-2016).

Inauguration of Asia Pacific Course on Aesthetic Surgery

Rtn. C. R. Raju District Governor Elect 2015-16, Rotary District 3130, has kindly consented to be the Chief to Inaugurate the Asia Pacific Course on Aesthtic Surgery and honour the international faculty

Prof. G. Balakrishnan Organising Chairman & Organising Commitee

CD Relese

On 14.6.2014 Prof.G .Balakrishnan had the privilege of releasingthe CD containing to commemorate 2000 cases of custom Mega prosthesis and Limb preservation by Prof.Mayilvahanan Natarajan, former Vice Chancellor of the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University

On 21.6.2014 Dr.Anoop Kumar Sharma enrolled for 6 years DNB course in plastic surgery specialty of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi conducted at Right Hospitals.

Asia pacific course on Aesthetic Surgery

Orgainizer : Prof. G. Balakrishnan
Date : 15th to 17th August 2014
Faculty : Dr. Gino Rigotti(Italy),
Mr. Naser Ahmed Nasser(UK),
Mr. Mehboob Ali (UK),
Mr. Bhagwat Mathur,(UK),
Mr. Shakar,(UK)
Inaugurated by : Rtn. C. R. Raju,
District Goveror Elect,2015-16, RD 3230

Asia Pacific Aesthetic Surgery Course Was organized in Right Hospitals,Chennai to educated about the recent developments happening in the field of cosmetic surgeryacross the Globe. More than one Hundred and fifty Plastic Surgeons from all over India attended the Course. Aesthetic Surgery is an advanced Technique in Plastic Surgery Which attempets to surpass thenormal. It helps to improve the physical attractiveness. Under Asthetic Surgery following surgerieswere conduted for about 22 patients free of cost.

Facial Rejuvenation With fat grafting,Rhinoplasty, Breast reduction and augmentation, contour correction, Fat Grafting for Scars, Blepharoplasty and prominent ear correction were under taken demonstrated in the live operative Workshop.

Dr.G.Vishnu Babu, M.S,, M.Ch.(Plastic) after graduation from Institute of Research and Rehabilitation of Hand and Department of Plastic surgery, Govt.Stanley Medical College, joined as a Senior Registrar on 9.9.2013.

On 26.09.2013, the hospital got ISO 9001:2008 accreditation.

2013 saw the addition of Transfusion Medicine Services in our hospital and first Skin Bank in south India.

CME Course for physiotherapists : Current Concepts in Hand Therapy

Date : 27.1.2013
Inaugurated by : : Prof.R.Venkataswami Head of Apollo’s National Institute for Reconstructive Hand Surgery, Microsurgery & Plastic Surgery

Hand is a dexterous and sensitive organ of the body responsible for the finer movements. The finer movements of the Hand are lost following injury and infective lesions like leprosy following reconstructive surgery to hand. It is the duty of the Hand Therapist to restore the finer movements of the Hand. It requires knowledge of Hand and expertise.

Hand therapy is an off-shoot but specialized segment of physiotherapy. The General physiotherapists most of the time concentrate on injuries pertaining to the “Lower Limbs and Back” where their concentration is more to establish stability. For a hand to be mobile the mobilization period must be short and Therapists must concentrate more on the mobility of the fingers rather than stability. Hence physical Therapists require a special training and knowledge with other to rehabilitate the Hand.

The Course on “Current Concepts in Hand Therapy was held to inculcate the knowledge of Hand Therapy to General Physiotherapists. In addition this course provided a forum for the senior Hand Therapists to share and disseminate their knowledfe with other colleagues.

The above event was purposeful, educative and informative meet. 200 physiotherapists from all over india attended the course.

Date : 11th & 12th August 2009
Faculty : Prof Isao Koshma, Japan
Prof. Joon Pio Hong, Korea
Inaugurated by : : Dr.K. Rosaiah His Excellency, the Governor of Tamil Nadu

Supermicrosurgery is an evolving technique which allows anastomosis of vessels of size 0.3 to 0.8 mm. The concept of Supermicrosurgery opened up a newer array of reconstructive options and techniques for the plastic surgeons. Newer applications of Supermicrosurgery includes fingertip replantations with venule grafts, toe tip transfers for fingertip loss, partial auricular transfers for total tracheal and eyelid defects, lymphaticovenular anastomosis under local anesthesia for lymphedema, facial palsy reconstructive and perforator – to – perforator free flaps used to reconstruct extremity and facial defects. Although Supermicrosurgery needs further technical adaptation to handle miniature sized blood vessels and ultra fine instruments , it has the advantages that the surgery is more simpler;

The flap dissecting time is considerably reduced. The major advantage is that a free flap can be harvested from virtually anywhere in the body thereby reducing the donor site morbidity. The main key to success is to get familiarized with the anatomical variations of the perforators.

The surgeries undertaken in the live workshop were as under:

(a) Swollen legs following Filarial Lymphedema of limbs
(b) Swollen Lower limbs following Excision or irradiation of inguinal and iliac lymph nodes
(c) Swollen upper limbs following treatment for cancer breast with lymph node excision or irradiation
(d) Reconstruction of facial asymmetry following facial nerve paralysis
(e) Free flaps(perforator to perforator in soft tissue defects of face and both upper & lower limbs)

Each surgery took 4 to 5 hours duration and all the patients were operated free of cost.

The conference was attended by 125 delegates.

Prof.Isao Koshima and prof. Joon Pio Hong were conferred with Right Hospitals Visiting Professorship awards for the year 2012 during the inaugural ceremony of the workshop.

The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University Conferred Lifetime Achievement Award on prof.G.Bala Krishnan in recognition of his exemplary contribution to the cause of Medical Education and health Care Services on 29th February 2012.

On 20.26.2012, Department of Oncology had been inaugurated in the hospitals. A Comprehensive surgical and medical oncology services started in Right Hospitals. Prof. S. Rajasundaram joined hands as the surgical oncologist.

A modern Intensive care unit has been started with 4 beds. The ICU was equipped with state of the art facilities and amenities. Dr. Devikala Loganathan and Dr. Abnish Kumar Ranjan joined as intensive care Anasthetists and they are taking care of the ICU round the clock.

On 24.2.2011 Dr.Gaurav Patodia has been enrolled for 6 years DNB Course in Plastic Surgery Specialty of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi conducted at RIGHT Hospitals.

Live Operative Workshop on Congenital Hand

Organizer : Prof. G. Balakrishnan

Date : 18th & 19th August 2009
Faculty : prof. Alain Gilbert, Dr. Thirion (Anaesthestist)
Inaugurated by : : Dr. S. Rajasabathy President, APSI, ISSH, Brachial Plexus Surgery Group

Right Hospitals Trust conducted the Live Operative Workshop on Congenital Hand Differences at Right Hospitals by inviting Prof. Alain Gilbert, Senior Hand surgeon from paris. He is an experienced and expert hand surgeon. Prof Alain Gilbert has commendable contribution to Hand & Microsurgery. He has done significant original work in obstetrical brachial plexus injuries and congenital had differences. He has written innumerable papers and books.

During child birth, some children are born with changes in the apperence of Hand or Hands which is called congenital Hand Differences. Human hand performs countless acts of simple grasp to those of complex skills. The function depends on its structure, strength, sensation and its integration with mind and eye. The birth of a child with congenital difference of the hand is a cause of great anxiety to the parents and family. If such children are given a chance to gain near normal appearance and some useful functions of hand, they will no longer be a burden to their parents and to the society.

Reconstructive hand surgeon plays a major role in minimizing the functions of a child with a hand differences. However, it is not an easy task. It requires patience, imagination amnd expertise.

In the above Live Operative workshop 14 children were operated by prof Alain Gilbert successfully and free of cost.

The conference was attended by 120 delegates.

Prof. Alain Gilbert was conferred with the First Right Hospitals Visiting Professorship Award for the year 2011 in the inaugural ceremony of the conference.

Dr.Kavya Somesh completed her MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College in March 2010. She joined Prof.A.Ramachandran hospital (ARH) for training in Diabetology from may 2011 till April 2012. Subsequently she joined chettinad Medical College to do her M.D. in Internal Medicine from May 2012 to April 2015. She will join our hospital as Consultant Physician and Diabetologist in May 2015

44th Annual Conference of the Association of plastic Surgeons on India,APSICON 2009

It was organized as as Academic Carnival by Prof G. Balakrishnan, president, Association of plastic Surgeon of india.

Date : 5th & 9th August 2009
Inauguration & Keynote Address : Dr.A. Sivathanu pillai,
Distinguished Scientist, Chief Controller, Research & Development,DRDO, CEO & MD, BrahMos Aerospace
Inaugurated on : : 6th August 2009
Venue : : GRT Temple Bay Beach Resort, Mahabalipuram

Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai gave a keynote address on Nano technology and Medicine.

The conference attended by 550 delegates from all parts of the Country and was very much appreciated. About 22 faculty members from abroad participated in this conference and shared their experience and knowledge with the plastic Surgeons of our Country.

A video Workshop was organized on 5th August 2009 as part APSICON 2009. It was named after Late Prof. C.R. Sundararajan, one of the doyens in the field of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in this part of the Country. The topics were carefully chosen to cover the entire spectrum of plastic Surgery.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England admitted Prof. g. Balakrishnan to the fellowship ad wundem of the college on 10thSeptember 2009.

The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University conferred Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) on Prof. G. BalaKrishnan on 10th November 2009

Orgainizer : Prof. G. Balakrishnan
Date : 5th & 6th April 2008
Faculty : Prof. Hiko Hyakusoku, Japan ,
Mr. T.C. Teo, United Kingdom,
Dr. Rei Ogawa, Japan,
Prof. Myrzabek Mateev, Kyrgyzstan, Russia
Inaugurated by : Prof. K. Meer Mustafa hussain,
Vice Chancellor,
The Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University

The Live Operative Workshop was attened by 150 delegates from all parts of the Country.

12 Patients with Post burn scar contractures, leg defects, Pilonidal sinus and pressure sore were operated free of cost.

The National Board of Examinations, New Delhi granted Provisional Accrediation to Six years DNB Degree Course in Plastic Surgery Specialty of Right Hospitals, Chennai with effect from January 2009 thereby permitting Right Hospitals to train one DNB candidate who have passed the CET Examination each year in the speciality.

ETHICON CME Programme on Breast Surgery was organized as a Pre Conference (APSICON 2009) at Hotel Abu Palace on 3-4th Agust 2009 and150 delegates attended the conference.

Post Graduate Training Programme

Dr. Ankur Gupta joined as Hand & Microsurgery Fellow from 31.3.2008 under 2 year fellowship programme of National Board of Examinations Conducted in Right Hospitals.

Dr.Somesh Balakrishnan - After completing his MBBS from Madras Medical College in January 2002, he left for surgical training in England from March 2002 to January 2007. During his training at kettering Genral Hospital and passed his MRCS from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.After Completing his General Surgical Training he worked for 2 years in plastic Surgery under Mr. Martin Coady (Plastic Surgon)[ at James cook University Hospital, Middlesborough and Mr. Mwhboob Ali (Plastic Surgeon) at Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley for Specialized training in management of skin cancer and breast cancer reconstruction. He also had the Opportunity to work with Mr. A. BRACKA (Plastic Surgeon)at Dudley a world famous authority in hypospadias Reconstructive Surgery. Following his return to India he worked as senior Registrar from February 2007 to August 2007 at Right Hospitals. Subsequently he joined Apollo Hospitals to do National Board Training in plastic Surgery under the guidance of Prof. r. Venkataswami. He will Join Our Hospital team of plastic Surgery Consultants from March 2015.

Dr. V.M. Dharmeshwaran, joined the hospital as a plastic surgeon in may 2008. He was actively involved both in the surgical work and also in the academic fields. He played a crucial role in the organization of APSICON 2009, for which he was the Treasurer.

Organizer : Prof. G. Balakrishnan

Acounting Medical Education Programme was conducted on 22nd January 2006 On “Newer Concepts in Wound Management”
About 100 delegates comprising of Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons,primary Care Physicians and post Graduate students attended the programme. .

An Awareness programme about “Save Hands” was conducted at AIEMA Technology Center, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai-600 058 On July 27th 2006. Aboout 100 Workers attended the programme and they were apprised about the Hand Injury and safty measure to be Undertaken at Work place.Training programmes for Intership in Bachelor of physiotheraphy/Bachelor of Occupation Therapy for AMS College of Physiotherapy, Chennai and SRM College of Occupational Therapy, Kattankulathur,kancheepuram District have been conducted since 2006.

Burns wing of Right Hospitals was inaugurated by Thiru Arcot N. Veerasamy, the then Hon’ble Minister for Electricity, Government of Thamilnadu on 12.8.2006 to treat burn unit caters to the needs of unfortunate victims suffering from acute burns and also from post-burn sequelae such as contractures raw areas and deformities.All types of burn injuries such as thermal burns, scalds, chemical burns, contact burns and electrical burns are taken care of.

1st National Workshop On Propeller Flap

Orgainizer : Prof. G. Balakrishnan
Date : 12th & 13th August 2006
Faculty : Prof. Hiko Hyakusoku, Japan,
Mr. T.C. Teo, United Kingdom,
Dr. Rei Ogawa, Japan

Propeller flap technique is an hybrid thechnology incorporating benefits of conventional flaps and microvascular free tissue transfer. The concept was introduced in our Country for the first time by Prof. G. Balakrishnan. It was very much appreciated.The Live Operative Workshop was attended by 130 delegates from all parts of the country and also from neighbouring countries.10 patients with post burn scar contractures and leg defects were operated totally free of cost. The conference was inaugurated by Thiru. Arcot N. Veerasamy Hon’ble Minister for Electricity,Government of Tamilnadu. The inaugural function was presided over by Prof. A. Rajasekaran, the then president National Board of Examinations.

The National Board of Examinations granted provisional accrediatation to Right Hospital for 2 years fellowship programme of National Board of examinations in the sub-speciality of Hand & Microsurgery for one seat per annum with effect from 20th December 2007.

On 15.12.2004, We inaugurated the Theatre Complex in our Hospitals and the First major Surgery was done By none other than our Guru Prof.R.Venkateswami assisted by Prof. G. Balakrishnan.A 40 year old male from Nepal was operated for post Electric Burn Sequelae – Loss of Median Nerve and Flexor Tendons of Left Hand.

On the same day Minor Operation Theatre was also inaugurated and surgery was performed by Prof G.Balakrishnan, assited by Dr.A.Sivakumar . A 55 year old mlae Operated for wound dehiscence following Lnguinal Block Dissection and Secondary suturing was done.

Prof. G. Balakrishnan got superannuation on 31st January 2005 after 30 years of service in Government Stanley Medical College and Hospital.Superannuation Week-end was celebrated with a farewell at Prof.P. Vijayalakshmi and the chief Guests were Thiru. K. Jayakumar, the then Minister for Electricity Board and Thiru.Thalavai Sundaram, the then Minister for Health and Family Welfare.

In commemoration of his superannuation, Prof. G. Balakrishnan also Organized a Live Operativr, TNPAPS & South Zone Plastic Surgeons meeting between 27th and 30th Jan 2005. The meeting was presided by Prof. A. Rajasekaran &Development;, DRDO, CEO & MD, Brahmos Aerospace. HE also gave a keynote address on BrahMos.

Dr. S. Vijayaragavan who completed M. Ch., meritorious student, a Gold Medalist of Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University joined the Hospital.

Mr. K. Narayanamurtrhy joined the Hospital as the Administrative Officer.She played a vital role in regularizing the routine activities and intiating the patient care facilities on out –patient as Well as in-patient basis.

Ms. Mary Suganatha Ranjani joined the Hospital as the Theatre staff. She Willingly took over the the post of Hospital Matron and Staff Nurses Quarter’s supervisor.

Free Camp for Children with “Congential hand Diferentces” was conducted in RIGHT Hospital on 18.9.20005.About 50 Children with various congenital problems attended the camp.They were examined by prof.G.Balakrishnan and his team for exploring surgical option, Prof. R.Jagatheesan and his team for hand therapy and splinting and a team of Orthotists for providing prosthesis.A comprehensive plan of action was drawn for each and every patient and the parents are advised and operated accordingly.

Contact Us

Prof. Subrmaniam Street,Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600 010

+91-44-2640 3939
+91 99 6218 3939

