Personal Profile
Career Milestone
Special Training
Academic Activities
Secretary, Internees Association, Thanjavur Medical College Organized
  - CME Programmes
  - Symposia
  - Community Service Programmes

Medical Officer, Primary Health Center, Kannicherry Pudur, Ramnad District. Conducted Health Camps in remote villages, health education programmes in schools. WON A PRIZE for Outstanding Service in Family Welfare Programme. Chosen as BEST MEDICAL OFFICER OF THE DISTRICT.

Joined as ASSISTANT SURGEON, Department of Plastic Surgery, Govt. Stanley Hospital, Chennai, and worked under Prof. R. Venkataswami with the ambition of becoming a Plastic Surgeon.

Underwent M.S.(General Surgery) at Madras Medical College, Madras. Won the BEST SURGICAL POST GRADUATE STUDENT AWARD. Took part in many conferences and presented papers.

Underwent M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery) Course in Stanley Medical College. Developed interest in hand surgery and a special interest in microsurgery.

First and the only candidate selected for training in Microsurgery in U.K. and deputed by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at Stanley Medical College, Madras and started doing microsurgery independently.

Attended various conferences of ASI, APSI, ISSH and presented papers. Served as ORGANIZING SECRETARY for the X Annual Conference of ISSH held at Stanley Medical College, Madras.

LECTURER in Reconstructive Microsurgery in the Institute for Research and Rehabilitation of Hand and Department of Plastic Surgery, Govt. Stanley Hospital, Chennai.

ORGANIZING SECRETARY, Committee for Celebrations of Two Decades of Hand Surgery and Plastic Surgery at Stanley Medical College-Conducted three days of scientific sessions with national and international faculty.

Promoted as READER in Reconstructive Microsurgery and subsequently redesignated as PROFESSOR in Reconstructive Microsurgery.

ORGANIZING SECRETARY, First National Conference of Reconstructive Microsurgery held at Madras. A new Society "Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery" was formed and was elected as Founder Secretary-cum-Treasurer.

ORGANIZING SECRETARY of the First National Workshop "Tools on Hands" on Microsurgery conducted at Madras.

INVITED to conduct Workshop on Hand Surgery and Micro Surgery at Olatpur, Bhuvaneshwar.

Organized the FIRST CLEFT LIP AND PALATE CAMP in the rural area i.e. in Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu under the auspices of Social Welfare Department, Govt. of India. One Parliamentary Constituency was enumerated and 20 children with cleft lip and palate were identified and operated with the help of my colleagues and medical officers of the Govt. Headquarters Hospital, Dharmapuri.

Took over as HEAD of the Institute for Research and Rehabilitation of Hand and Department of Plastic Surgery, Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai.

Organized the SILVER JUBLIEE CELEBRATIONS OF THE INSTITUTE which included three days of scientific sessions.

CONDUCTED the Second National Workshop on Micro Surgery at the Institute. Live demonstration of free tissue transfers on patients was the important feature of the workshop.

INVITED to conduct Workshop on Hand Surgery and Micro Surgery at Dibrugarh(Assam) and Bhopal.

CONDUCTED the Third National Workshop on Micro Surgery at Chennai.

INVITED as a Guest Lecturer by the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand for its Annual Conference.

ORGANISING CHAIRMAN, Combined Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and Indian Society for Reconstructive Surgery - First International Congress on Hand Surgery held in India.

To cap all my academic, professional and administrative activities, on 17th April 1998, the Govt. of Tamil Nadu recognized our Institute as a "CENTER OF EXCELLENCE" and awarded Rs. 25 lakhs for purchase of equipments, during my tenure as Head of the Institute for Research and Rehabilitation of Hand and Department of Plastic Surgery.

By utilising the amount sanctioned by the Government, necessary equipments were purchased and an INTENSIVE CARE UNIT, with 8 beds, has been started.

By utilising a loan from HUDCO and a huge amount collected through donations, a new state of the art modern building was built exclusively for IRRH & DPS. It was the first of its kind in India in the Government sector. The building was inaugurated on 27.06.05.

Elected as the President of the TamilNadu & Pondicherry Association of Plastic Surgeons during its annual conferrence in February 2004.

ORGANISING CHAIRMAN Annual conference of South Indian Association of Plastic surgeons held in Chennai.

Trained 30 Postgraduates in M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery), 10 students of Certificate Course in Hand Surgery and 1 Diplomate of National Board in Hand Surgery during these years and they are successfully practicing and teaching the arts they learnt in our institute.

Member of the Expert Committee in appointing Professor of Plastic Surgery and Addl. Professor of Plastic Surgery at Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.

Conducted several safety programmes in industrial establishments to prevent hand injuries.

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