Personal Profile
Career Milestone
Special Training
Academic Activities

Best Medical Officer Award (1972) in Ramnad District.
Best out-going student in M.S.(Gen. Surg) 1978, Madras Medical College, Madras.
Dr. Edmund Lerde Chalke Memorial Prize for proficiency in surgery for the year 1977-78.
Peet Prize Award for the best paper in Plastic Surgery - Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (1987).
R.G. Saraiya International Training Fellowship by the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India to have higher training in Microsurgery in Taipei and Australia - 1997.
Sushrutha Oration Award for the year 2000 - Association of Plastic Surgeons of India.
Col Pandalai Oration Award for the year 2003 - Association of Surgeons of India.
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